University of Edinburgh students walk through the meadows. Capital E in block colour sits at right hand edge of photo.

For an extraordinary future study at one of the world’s top universities.

Group of students taking a selfie at graduation

The University’s summer 2024 graduation ceremonies will take place in McEwan Hall between Wednesday 3 July and Tuesday 16 July.

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Edinburgh Impact

Jamie Weir collecting caterpillars

As warming climates make seasonal changes more unpredictable, some species and food chains show a flexible response.  #EdinburghImpact

a young girl walks down a dirt road with power lines overhead

Experts warn that the nationwide rollout of electrical power could deepen social injustices. However, with smart policymaking, this outcome can be avoided. #EdinburghImpact

A model poses in front of one of El Anatsui's hanging metal artworks

A series of monumental wall sculptures are on display at the University of Edinburgh in the most comprehensive UK exhibition of one of Africa’s most acclaimed artists.

Edinburgh city view

We are a truly global University, making a contribution to the world, through global partnership, community and exchange.

Regional engagement

International applicants

Global community

A University of Sanctuary

Members of the local community learning Gaelic

We're committed to contributing to the city of Edinburgh through research, teaching, facilities and events.

City Region Deal

University facilities in the city

Community projects

Our work with local schools

Photo of students in a library

Research and teaching

We're ranked 4th in the UK for research power, and have the highest rating possible for our student learning experience*.

Research and innovation

Doctoral College

Teaching Matters

Libraries and collections

*Times Higher Education, Overall Ranking of Institutions; Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland.